I live at home with my mum, did, younger brother Toby and my older sister Juliette (she hates being called that but when she was little sghe had bright ginger hair that stuck up in the air and my cousins thougtht that she looked like a yetti, and that sort of developed in to Letty!).
Toby is 13, and he is a real pain. Well he isn't always but he has his moments. Letty is 18, we get on quite well together, sometimes, but we can have our little fights occasionally. She will be going away to university in Septhember so I suppose I shall miss her a bit, but only because she drived my around at the moiment in her little bright yellow mini.
You can visit the Heppell's Home page to find out more about us.
We have two cats at home called Sinbad and magic. These cats are spoilt
rotten and very fat but we love them anyway.
The names may seem a bit sad but that is my dad's fault. He named sinbad, because he has always wanted a cat with a eye patch so he could be a sailor! Hence the "sinbad the sailor" part. Yes he is really that sad. Magic was named magic because well it just kind of suited him!
We also live in the same town as my Grand ma and grandad. This is sort of nice because we get to see them alot, however as you can imagine this can get a bit tedious! Anyway at the moment my Grandad isn't too great so I just want to say that I hope he feels better soon.
Mums family don't live very near us at all, In face they live all over the country, but we do try and meet up at about once a year which can be a bit exciting because there are alot of us. Mum has two sisters and all of their children have kids so there are about 22 of us.
My dad only has one brother. His family all live up ijn Glasgow and so we don't usually see them that often, however saying that they have only just been down to visit. I know that they have web access so I would like to say hi to them!
These pages were created, and are maintained by
Melissa Heppell