lead sponsor: the UK's Department of Children Schools and Families DCSF
charrette 2:
cognitive science and enhanced cognition outputs
four outputs:
bill lucas' reflections as rapporteur
in text (here as a pdf):
initial thoughts - see video outputs
in pairs reflecting on: "if we were the Minister of Education we’d focus our attention on these changes that technology is bringing":
what change?
what potential impact?
what might a smart policy be?see video outputs
stephen heppell's policy briefing paper
(which may not be released for quite a while - it is intended as an internal policy brief)
event date: 18 - 19 march 08
location: tower bridge, londonchair: prof stephen heppell
rapporteur: bill lucas
media: illumina (sabrina organo producer, scott munroe, stephen crawley)
nick bostrom: university of oxford
stephen emmott: microsoft research
tom heaton: eidos - brain benders
maarjte schermer: erasmus medical center
derek robertson: teaching and learning scotland
eugene sadler-smith: university of surrey
bill lucas: rapporteurstephen heppell: heppell.net
lys johnson: heppell.netdominic flitcroft: dcsf
bill gibbon: futurelab
doug brown: becta
horizonTAL - horizon scanning for learning from heppell.net
last updated: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 4:06 PM