lead sponsor: the UK's Department of Children Schools and Families DCSF
charrette 1: computer science and engineering
this very successful and enjoyable event is now completed - view outputs from here
As is famously documented the first moon landings had support from computers that would be computationally embarrassed by the digital watch on your wrist. Yet they landed on the moon.
More recently, <discuss> perhaps propelled by Moore's Law, </discuss> significantly more powerful computers suggested a way to decode the human genome and indeed the scale and speed of communications opened up by those same computers opened the door to some serious disputes about just who, and at what price, had access to such significant scientic knowledge.
But that was then and this is now. We know that the pace of computer technolgy has not eased. The server this note sits on is more powerful and cheaper than the server it replaced and that cycle will repeat. The phone in a newly qualified teacher's pocket probably out performs the entire computer suite (remember them?) in the primary school she left at 11.
So a good starting point for the charrette will be some informed looks at tomorrow's technology, together with a view as to what new projects (beyond the genome!) might be approached and what that means for the learners we are preparing who themselves may work on these projects.
An exploration of technology futures leads us unto ethics, inclusion, equality, ambition, science, communication and of course learning.
event date: 19 - 20 february 08
location: Tower Bridge, Londonrapporteur: bill thompson
media: illumina
jamais cascio
jerry fishenden
alan greenberg
colin holgate
john naughton
chris thomas
bill thompsonstephen heppell
lys johnsonobserver participants:
doug brown becta
dominic flitcroft dcsf
bill gibbons futurelab
horizonTAL - horizon scanning for learning from heppell.net
last updated: Wednesday, March 5, 2008 4:25 PM