


some Stephen Heppell podcast musings:


the children's vidcast comments from Be Very Afraid II - unmissable


and from BETT 2007, presentations from the BETT Brains


can't access podcasts (poor you)? - try this link and go straight to the mp3 files' index of the first link - you could even run them as ringtones then!

stephen at the wheel of Cracker


I've implemented a series of podcasts... and tried to offer interesting things to say. I have also added the extraordinary vidcasts from the last BAFTA / DfEs Be very Afraid event. great video podcasting (vidcasting) and worth the download of the whole thing if you have bandwidth...

Conscious of listeners all over the world, I've tried to keep these podcasts light, diverse, jolly even, but trying all the while to make learning more delightful...

To listen to these podcasts I recommend using iTunes for Mac or PC. You need the latest version of iTunes 4, that is Podcast aware, so to speak. When you run it simply go to the Advanced menu as shown here, and select "Subscribe to Podcast...":

advanced menu, select subscrtibe to podcast

Then, at the prompt, enter the podcast url which is:


And iTunes will, after that, keep you up to date by downloading the latest podcasts as they get posted by me. Simple huh? You don't have to use iTunes for your podcasts... but why wouldn't you - it's wonderful!



learning • ingenuity • research • policy • design • technology • delight • (+ sailing!)


last revised: Monday, April 24, 2006 9:45 PM
