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A 90 minute free webinar on 8th July 2021 at 09:30 UK, or 10:30 Spanish time

It is for anyone interested in CoVID aerosol safety, and indeed all aerosol transmission in learning spaces during this pandemic and well beyond. 

registration  &  Spanish version of the webinar site are here 

Alongside our best personal hygiene - hand washing, surface cleaning and more - it is apparent that the circulation and exhalation of aerosol droplets, gases and particles are also very significant not just as transmitters of the CoVID virus, but also because CO2 and TVOCs impact on learners cognitively and physiologically, to their detriment.

This webinar explores what has that means for all our schools and learning spaces now and in the future


Presenters are significant experts. It is unique to have them all together for this event.

For each expert: a short recorded video chat, with then each presenter available live for questions. It's a fast moving format and is supported in real time by both English and Spanish language translation on two video channels.

The event will also be formally announced via the UCJC website - the link to follow will appear here - and via Twitter.
A full recording will also be available afterwards

Welcome and very short introduction

Prof. Stephen Heppell
Felipe Segovia Chair in Learning Innovation
at Universidad Camilo José Cela

The short recorded video inputs with experts:

Ricardo Diaz,
Decano del Colegio de Químicos de Madrid y Catedrático de Ingeniería en UDIMA

Jarmo Kesanto,
Director, KSG Health Ltd,

Brendon Shaw and Neil Lyons,
Azura Engineering, EU

Prof. Philomena M. Bluyssen PhD
Chair Indoor Environment, Delft University of Technology.

(1) Modelling aerosol flows across different working spaces - including classrooms and outdoor spaces.

How is coronavirus spread through the air? What is the impact of masking, ventiallation, sitting in "bubbles", outdoor activity and other measures?


(2) Using nanoscale air filtration / purification systems to remove particles from indoor air.

This, as hospitals have known for some time, can eliminate microbes, such as viruses, bacteria and moulds. It can also remove some gases (and odours!). How does that work in a classroom?


(3) Wider societal developments to reduce airbourne pollution around children.

The example explored here is geo-fencing schools to prevent pollution emitting vehicles from getting near when the children are present.


(4) The impact of aerosols on the quest for healthy buildings - from fighting coronavirus to boosting cognitive performance





additional reading and details if you need more depth:

A room, a bar and a classroom: how the coronavirus is spread through the air. Article in El Pais.

Una sala, un bar y un aula: cómo se propaga el coronavirus por el aire. Artículo en El País.

Case study of nanoscale air filtration in Finnish schools

Healthy buildings on the Horizon. From fighting coronavirus to boosting cognitive performance, Joe Allen of Harvard Public Health, thinks clean buildings will be the next public health revolution.

<more to be added>

Prof Stephen Heppell of UCJC
this page last updated on Friday, July 2, 2021