horizontal title page

lead sponsor: the UK's Department of Children Schools and Families DCSF

about the charrettes:

Our approach is to send people forwards in time (so to speak!) for a reconnaissance of the horizon, thus providing a much earlier warning of approaching changes. Obviously policy makers face 360 degree of possible direction. These charrettes, by mapping some possible futures in key areas, help to focus us down to a common horizon, tus saving considerable waste angst and error.

It is this horizon reconnaissance task that the horizontal (horizon scanning for technology and learning) work is designed to aid. In the first instance four areas of focus have been identified as useful - each to be hosted as a kind of charrette, with diverse experts from around the world together in London to think through policy and design implications of possible futures for tomorrow's learning.

The first four areas of focus are:

horizonTAL - horizon scanning for learning from heppell.net

last updated: Thursday, September 4, 2008 3:02 PM