horizontal title page

lead sponsor:
the UK's Department of Children Schools and Families DCSF

bch logo

aligned to and congruent
with the full programme of
beyond current horizons

horizontal is a project bringing together some of the best thinkers in an informal charrette to focus on key topics of change in the 21st century, with a hope of informing policy making in learning, and engendering debate, as a result

the guests are diverse and polymathic, the topics are eclectic, the events relaxed, the outputs essential

discussions are captured, filmed, narrated, podcast and shared via this website - growing and evolving over the next 3 years

find out about horizontal

find out about the events and associated primer material

view all the video outputs: advice, conversations, thoughts

explore sci fi provocations

subscribe to the podcasts (soon)

visit "beyond current horizons"

go to heppell.net

horizonTAL - horizon scanning for learning from heppell.net

last updated: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 8:54 AM