horizontal title page

lead sponsor: the UK's Department of Children Schools and Families DCSF
page index: charrette one | charrette two | charrette three

video outputs from all the charrettes:

charrette 1: computer science and engineering
paper tape
event date: 19 - 20 february 08
location: Tower Bridge, London

chat iconstephen heppell's introduction - large or small

intitial statements:

chat iconjohn - large or small
chat iconjamais - large or small
chat iconjerry - large or small
chat iconalan - large or small
chat iconcolin - large or small
chat iconchris - large or small
chat iconbill - large or small

we can't wait for...

chat iconwe know it will happen, we want it now - large or small

a collage of our conversation
chat iconlarge or small (added soon)

advice to a minister (explained large or small):

chat iconalan and chris - large or small
chat iconcolin and bill - large or small

chat iconjohn and jamais - large or small
chat iconjerry and bill - large or small

charrette 2: cognitive science and enhanced cognition
event date: 18 - 19 march 08
location: Tower Bridge, London

chat iconstephen heppell's introduction - large or small

intitial statements:

chat iconnick - large or small
chat iconstephen - large or small
chat iconmaarje - large or small
chat icontom - large or small
chat iconderek - large or small
chat iconeugene - large or small
chat iconbill - large or small

collages of our conversations

(if you view only one set of video from charrette 2, view these)
chat iconpart one - large or small
chat iconpart two - large or small
chat iconpart three - large or small

advice to a minister:

chat iconnick and eugene - large or small
chat iconmaarje and bill - large or small
chat icon
derek and tom - large or small

charrette 3: economics of future learning
event date: 15 - 16th july 08
location: Tower Bridge, London

chat iconstephen heppell's reflections- large or small

intitial statements:

chat iconlyndsay - large or small
chat iconcaty - large or small
chat iconmike - large or small
chat iconsandra - large or small
chat iconjames - large or small
chat iconharry - large or small
chat iconjanice - large or small
chat iconsteve - large or small

collages of our conversations

(if you view only one set of videos from charrette 3, view these)
chat icondiscussion: day one - large or small
chat icondiscussion: economic possibilities - large or small
chat icondiscussion: developing world -
large or small

advice to a minister:

chat iconsandra and harry - large or small
chat icondoug and janice - large or small
chat icon
caty and steve - large or small
chat iconjames and lyndsay - large or small



horizonTAL - horizon scanning for learning from heppell.net

last updated: Wednesday, March 5, 2008 4:25 PM