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Alignment with United Nations
Sustainable Development GoalsScholaLiberum will weave the principles of the SDGs into everything it does. Not only will the SDGs be built into our curriculum, but they will also inform how we plan and run our operations & infrastructure.
The SDGs are a plan for a better world. They are set of 17 objectives - negotiated and agreed to by all 193 world governments in 2015 - to end extreme poverty, achieve decent work for all, promote justice, peace and prosperity, and protect the natural environment from human-caused harms.
Education is in a unique position to unleash the potential of a future generation of community leaders, innovators, scientists, artists, consumers, voters, parents and citizens onto the world's biggest challenges and to inspire them to take action today.
More than half of the population of our planet is currently under the age of 30 - the biggest generation of young people the world has ever seen. This puts education in a truly unique position of influence and impact for the future of the planet.
There are very many children that conventinal educational provision does not fit. Changes in society, technology and working practices increase that number daily.
But there are also many children who never even had the offer of conventional educational provision - often bcause capital was not available to build schools, there were no trained teachers locally, perhaps their region was striven by war or famine. ScholaLiberum also provides a framework to bring learning to those children - not a subset of traditional educational provision, but something better that they can go straight to without pausing to adjust legacy systems first.
Learning brings the opportunity to empower all young people to become outstanding scientists, inventors, leaders, parents, problem solvers, artists, to help pioneer a movement for a better and more sustainable future.
ScholaLiberum is proud to play its part in bringing learnng everyone, everywhere.
want to know more?
If you want to know more, to be involved, to become a Learning Cluster, or even to enquire from a national government position, please mail us now. We will stay in touch and answer your questions.
We will not use your email to sell you anything, or to sell you.
this page created June 24, 2016 by Prof Stephen Heppell, and last updated on Thursday, May 14, 2020 19:07